Credits for banner here.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Family Haps and Other Ramblings
I was hoping for nice sunshiny day to keep me motivated in my Spring cleaning but it is a dreary and cold so here I sit to update my blog. My blog has fallen a little behind so I am reassuring myself that this indeed needs to be done.

Since I didn't update my blog around Easter I thought I'd share a funny little Brooke story. Brooke was home from school Monday and Tuesday with a sinus infection and so Tuesday I was out running a few errands with all three kids. Connor and Brooke were bickering and they had just stepped on my last nerve. I got into the car where they both were verbally stumbling all over each other to tell me what the other had done. I said, "Waaa, waaa, waaaa, you guys sound like two babies." ( I know, a very caring mother I am) Well, Connor thought it was kind of funny but Brooke's feelings were mortally wounded. With quavering voice and tears that she was squeezing out of her eyes he said, "I feel just like Jesus did when he was on the cross and they poked the spear in his side." I, of course, was more than a little taken aback that she had compared her wounded feelings to the agony of crucifixion so I said, "Brooke, you are telling me that just because Connor hurt your feelings you feel as bad as Jesus did when he died on the cross? With a harumph Brooke retorted, "Yes I do and God is the ONLY one who understands how I feel!"

Well, I must say that I felt nudged at the moment to think before I spoke because Brooke really was taking this very seriously. So, I said to her, "You know what Brooke? There are many times that no one is going to understand how you are feeling, not even Mommy and Daddy. However, you are right, God does understand how you feel and he always will so you should always tell him how you are feeling." So, from alot of bickering and drama came a little lesson that I hope will stick with Brooke and me for a long time!

In other news...have I mentioned that I'm walking the Music City 1/2 Marathon in April? Well, I am and I am not prepared!! Lets just say that my schedule has not worked with all the long walks I'm supposed to be doing. Well, last Sunday after lunch Judy and I with a few others went on a 7 mile walk. Let's just say that by the time I got home I had to pick my butt up and carry it through the door! I limped off to bed that night and skipped my spin class the next morning. Brooke had a sinus infection so it was a good excuse. I don't think I would have gone anyway. My legs would have revolted!!! Anyway, that gave me a good dose of reality to think that my walk is only 4 weeks away! So, I'm off to my eight mile walk tomorrow!

Scrappin' News
I haven't gotten many LOs done this month. I thought that I would scrap a ton while we were in TX on spring break but it just didn't happen. I do have two to show you though. This first one is with the Flirty Girl kit by Laura Deceatis. I'm a guest on her CT this month. She is the owner of Shabby Pickle Designs and she also sells at The Sweet Shoppe. So here's my LO using Flirty Girl. Credits here.

Kristin Cronin-Barrow brought back an old kit which she updated called O Happy Day. The colors are beautiful and the elements are fantastic so go check it out! I'm going to be doing another page with the kit because I only used a few of the elements for this very simple page so I'll let you see what else I do with it. Credits here.

Dana Frantz released a kit this week called Daisy Lemonaide. It is so pretty and I'm off to scrap with it today. Here's a preview of it. She has another gorgeous kit coming in the next day or two so make sure to check back!


ChrissyW said...

perfect pages as usual!!! well done!

Jen said...

Love the pages. Good luck with the walking.

DawnMarch said...

Love your Easter moment - that comment about being poked by spears is a riot. We were listening to a Christian radio station in the car right before Easter and they were talking about how to talk with kids about how Easter is about Jesus, etc., and not really about the Easter bunny. I jokingly said to the kids who had heard the whole thing "hey kids, Easter is about God, not about a rabbit who brings eggs." My son responded, "But Mooooooom, I want to hunt for Easter eggs, not God!" Blasphemous as it was, I couldn't help but laugh.

Anonymous said...

Love your layouts! And that story with your daughter - priceless. We just never know when a teaching moment will come along, do we?

Robin L said...

What a great story about Brooke. Kids are something else. Very lovely los.

Dori Overman said...

Hi Amy,
I see you often on the Hobe Sound blog and am trying to remember you from my colllege years there. I also digi scrap so it was fun to see another scrapper in Hobe Sound world.