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Friday, September 5, 2008

Home Alone?

I know that many of you - well really, the few of you, - who read my blog on a regular basis must secretly think that my children stay home alone most of the time because of all the mischief and trouble that they get into. The fact of the matter is that they do have a mother, that would be me, who stays home with them. I just often find myself preoccupied with cleaning, bible study, counseling and other worthwhile activities. When I do check on my children I often find them doing things that make for great photo ops so instead of disciplining my children like the few of you would do I get out my camera and take pictures.

This morning Liam came into our room quite early and Dale told him to go upstairs and play in his room. Well, he went out of our room but I don't think he made it back up to his room because a little bit later I stumbled into the kitchen and this is what I found...

"Hey Mommy, look what I got for 'fefast'"!

"Let me show you how I can feed myself this
very healthy and fulfilling breakfast!"

Mmmm...chocolate and vanilla - surely there's some
calcium in there somewhere?
"That was delicious! Much better than Cheerios
or Meatmeal (oatmeal)"!

And this is why I can't resist running for my
camera. He's is just to doggone cute!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

National Nazarene Softball Tournament

For the 2nd year in a row our family made the trip to Cincinnati to the National Nazarene Softball Tournament. I don't have time to give all the details of the trip but I did want to post this picture of our guys and the trophy they won. Our church takes two teams and Dale plays on the older of the two teams - although we do have some young whippersnappers! The tournament ended Monday and our guys played from 10 am until 6 pm with just a couple breaks in between games. They were worn out but they played so well all day. They placed 2nd in the B tournament - I won't go into how everything is divided out into the 3 tournaments because I don't really understand it. But anyway, they did a fantastic job and I was so proud of my soon to be 40 year old husband ;) I'll post again about the weekend with more pics once I have a little more time.