Credits for banner here.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday, Connor!

Family Haps
I cannot believe that Connor is four years old! Time has literally flown by and he is such a big boy now. He is absolutely cuter than ever!! He has come out of his little shell so much this past year. I believe it was the day that Brooke went to Kindergarten that he started talking. Well, not quite but he sure does talk a whole lot more with her out of the house. I think he could never get a word in edgewise before!

Connor is still so literal and I LOVE that about him!! He's also a little passive aggressive which is so hilarious! But, back the to literal thing. The other day in the van on the way to take Brooke to school Connor said "stupid" which is something we don't say at our house. Of course, "Miss Reporter" informed me of this infraction. So, here's the rest of the conversation...

Me: "Connor, we don't say stupid at our house"
Connor: "But we're not at our house.
Me: speechless...what could I say...he was correct!

For Connor's birthday we are taking him and a few friends to see Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who. We have the original Grinch movie and the original Horton story is at the end of the video. Connor has loved this story and has watched it over and over. To get us ready for the movie tomorrow Dale helped Connor and Brooke adopt Whos on the Disney website. Brooke and Connor very kindly named their Whos after our dear friends Emma and Alan. I'm sure Emma will be excited to see that she has pink hair and a potbelly :)

So - here's a LO for his birthday! Credits here.

Scrappin' News
Well, the big news for today is that yesterday I received my March/April Digital Scrapbook Magazine which features one of my layouts! It was really exciting to see my work printed. So, I thought I'd share the page with you and we'll just leave it there for today.

Background paper: Barb Catrone Flavorfall Papers
Ribbon: Eve Recinella's Frolicsome kit
Flower: Heather Manning's Katiana Kit
Beautiful Definition: Miss Peppermint's Dictionary Defined Girls
Brush Frame: Kim Crother's Tuscany kit
Font: Eight Fifteen


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being published!!! I've got to go get a copy today! Yeah for Connor..he is he sweetest thing!

ChrissyW said...

CONGRATS!!! how fun! well done as usual!!

JenLo said...

I'm going straight out and buying a copy! Bad Auntie didn't forget his birthday--just didn't call him. We will today ;(

Anonymous said...

Lovely LOs!!

laurie said...

Connor's comments were used as an illustration in church today. Since I had read your blog I knew who Dad was talking about.
Laurie Sherman Crocker

Anonymous said...

Connor makes me laugh- wish i was there with you to hold back laughter.