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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday, Brooke!!

It is hard to believe that it has been six years since Brooke was born. We had no idea the joy that one tiny person could bring to a home! My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 8 weeks and so the first trimester of my pregnancy with Brooke I was a little nervous but after that I absolutely loved being pregnant with her - well, except for the excessive swelling ! Take a look at my ankles in this picture - this was taken the morning I went to the hospital to have her.

We moved to Naples, FL when I was 9 weeks pregnant with Brooke and life really seemed to slow down for us. Naples moves at a slower pace than Nashville and so we just settled into a more relaxing life. I found a new doctor whom I absolutely adored (he delivered all 3 babies) and he took such good care of Brooke and me. The last month of my pregnancy I was out of work on medical leave because I was swelling so much and the doctor didn't want me on me feet (yay for me!) so I pretty much went to the pool every day, got very tan and read books! Wow - what a charmed life it was! I can barely remember what that's like now ;)

I was scheduled for a C-section on Monday, April 22nd because Brooke was breach but Dr. Crandall did an aversion and then induced me. Finally, on Tuesday morning the 23rd Brooke arrived at 9:35 am. Who knew that your heart could actually swell in your chest? I never knew that you could love someone that way. The bonding was instantaneous. Brooke was this tiny, perfect, helpless human and she was ours to care for - I suddenly got this panicky feeling of not being up to the task. We're still working on it but Brooke is growing into such a sweet and loving little girl.

Brooke is very intuitive and smart! She often outwits her Mommy. Dale and I chuckle so often at her because she is just is so matter-of-fact about life. She states things the way they are and that's that! When she asks a question she expects a straight answer. There is no being evasive with Brooke because she'll know it and call you out on it and then continue asking her question in a different way until she is satisfied that you are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When Brooke was two or three she would ask questions and then say, "Mommy, is that the truth or are you just saying that?"

Brooke is turning into quite a little gymnast. Her cartwheels are the best in the class and she almost has her hand stands down pat. She loves any and all things Princess related even though she's not really a prissy girl. She's a tomboy on the outside and a Princess on the inside.

Well, I could go on forever but time is getting away from me. Thanks for letting me share a little bit about our very special little girl on her birthday.


Anonymous said...

very sweet!

JenLo said...

She is such a cutie!