Credits for banner here.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Well, it's been a while, I know, but I've been pretty busy here of late getting some digital scrapbooking "stuff" going. About a month ago advertised over at DST that they were wanting to purchase some completed baby albums to distribute to OBGYN offices and hospitals to advertise their photo books. Well, being that I've only done one "traditional" baby album for Brooke I just went right on past the ad but it just kept niggling at the back of my mind. I went ahead and contacted them and asked if I could have a week to put one together. The very nice owner said that would be fine so I started designing the book in quite a frenzy! I submitted the book and this is the response I received,
"Oh my god, Amy! I cried when I saw your Birth Story. I can't tell you how beautiful it is. Thanks
for sending it to us in our preferred way. Taleweaver is the best way for us to get this album because we don't have to redesign the book."

Once I finished with that project I started the
legwork on offering a class for digital scrapbooking. So many people have asked me to tutor them and finally after all the arm twisting I decided it was time to do something about it. So, I'm trying to get the details ironed out so we can get some more people scrapbooking - the digital way that is!

On top of all this I was accepted to two ne
w Creative Teams so I've been trying to get caught up on my LOs. I'll share several with you here from the fabulous designers I'm working with. If you click their names it will take you to their stores so you can do a little browsing. We'll start with my newest first designers first.

Sara Amarie at Sweet Shoppe Designs:

Haircut: (misc products from both Sara & Kristin) and Diggin': In the Forest

Refreshing: Popsicle Paradise

Paula Duncan at Sweet Shoppe Designs

Puff: Grown with Love and A Special Grandpa: Garden party

Kristin Cronin-Barrow at Sweet Shoppe Designs

Cousins: Rugged and You Are My Sunshine: My Sunshine

Zoom: Beep Chugga Zoom

Chrissy W at Digital Candy:
Chrissy is such a FABULOUS template designer. I use her templates all the time when I'm in a time crunch to get LOs done for my Cts. I used her templates for Haircut, Diggin' and Popsicle Paradise.

The credits for all the above layouts can be found here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Amy. You may not remember me. I am Maresa Davis. I use to be a Soules. Leslie and Jeannies daughter. The oldest daughter. You probably know Melody better then me. I found your blog and decided to visit. You are amazing!!I love your scrapbook pages. I paper scrapbook. Your family is beautiful!!! Well take care. I just wanted to say hello.