Credits for banner here.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Family Haps and Other Ramblings
Today when I picked Brooke up from school she asked me why some children were a different color than their parents and then she quickly said, "O forget it." Well, this was way to good to let drop so I had to pry a little.

I said, "Honey, what do you mean?"
Brooke: "Well, why is Arthur (made up name to protect the innocent) brown and his daddy is white?"
Me: "Well what color is his mommy?"
Brooke: "I don't know, I've never seen her"

Knowing this particular little boy had very light brown skin I explained that maybe his mommy was "brown" and his daddy was white and when people of two different colors have children the children usually have the darker colored skin. Or, I said, sometimes people of one skin color adopt a child with another color skin.

So, that segued us into the adoption conversation.

Brooke: "Why do people adopt?" and before I could answer her she says, "Oh, I know, they adopt out their child because either they don't know how to take care of them, they don't have enough money or they don't like the kid! She said this last little bit very matter of factly.

Well, I certainly wasn't ready for my little girl to be so world-wise as to think that parents actually didn't like their children so I said, "Honey, most of the times that people give up their child for adoption it is because they cannot take care of them. It's not because they don't like them." She looked at me and once again my five, almost six year old said VERY matter of factly, "Mom, SOMETIMES they give them up for adoption because they don't like them, I know! I got the distinct inmpression that my sweet little girl wanted me to know that she would not be guarded from this. She knew and she wanted me to know that she knew! What am I going to do when she is thirteen???

Scrappin' News
I have been meaning to tell you about this amazing, free shareware program that is just great! It's called Noiseware. If you have pics that were shot at low resolution or for some other reason have alot of noise, this program is what you need. Here is a before and after picture. This pic was taken by my niece with her cell phone. It was such a great pic but it was way to grainy to use until I ran it through Noiseware. The one on the left is the BEFORE.

Well, Dana Frantz has a new kit out called Hippie Couture. It is so pretty, you need to go check it out!

Here are two layouts as well that I did with her new kit Daisy Lemonade which I mentioned in the last post. For the one on the right I used Chrissy Williams' template in the Mixin' It Up Again set at Digital Candy. The site is down today for upgrades, otherwise I'd link you up. Credits here.

Kristin Cronin-Barrow also has a new kit that was released on Saturday called The Good Life.


ChrissyW said...

that is the CUTEST pic - and i NEED that program!!! off to go find it! love the layouts too of course!! :)

JenLo said...

Love that noiseware.

Tammy said...

Our innocent children are learning faster and faster these days. You handled that great and wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic pictures!

Anonymous said...

oh what a cutie on the photos.

How old is your child? I think, you handled it perfect.
We live in germany and in the kindergarten of my dd is also a child with coloured faith. But she never ask me, why. They are good friends, altough that child speeks only english and a little bit german.

SarahB said...

Nice results with that program! Cute kits and layouts too!

Unknown said...

Thanks for teh Noiseware tip - I could use that for all my phone pics!

w2wkb said...

How about a link to the noiseware??