Credits for banner here.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Scrappin' News
Well, it's Thursday and I'm back for my 2nd blog of the week! Don't get your hopes up though - I'm not sure I can keep this pace up ;) Well, there's alot going on in the scrapworld. Kristin CB has a new adorable kit called, Rugged for those, rough and tumbly boys in your life. Here is a preview of it. And as always you can find it at SweetShoppe. Also, be sure to stop by Kristin's blog periodically. There are going to be some really great downloads compliments of her CT. (Feb 2nd might be a good day to look) :)

As I mentioned yesterday I joined Dana's CT for a guest stint for a few months. Here is my first LO with her kit Dreamery available at Scrapbook Graphics. I've always loved this picture of Brooke - it shows her personality completely! She has always loved to dress up - even at two and three years old. She never would have made it back in medieval times as a princess because she has a mind of her own, but she sure does make a cute Modern Day Princess! Credits here.

Family Haps
Tonight a group of girls (well, 3 - does that count as a group?) from our MOMents group at church is getting together for dinner at Macaroni Grill. A dinner at a nice restaurant with adult conversation, no spills and messes is just what I need on this dreary, cold night. Now, before you think I'm a selfish mom, there is potato soup waiting in the crock-pot for Dad and kiddos. And then, I just might stop by the mall to do some sock shopping. Sock shopping, you say? Well, it is basically a good excuse to go by the mall, once again, with no kiddos in tow. Actually my boys are in desperate need of socks so I need to just make a stop by Children's Place. Of course, there are a few stores between the door and Children's Place. So, we'll see where my whims might take me :)

Hey - did you see that I'm a cup of "Plain Ole Joe" at the top of my blog? I'm not sure I like that. I wanted to be something fancy like a Cappuccino. I took this little "What Kind of Coffee Girl Are You Quiz" (you can too by clicking the link) but I'm not sure I agree with it. Those of you who know me, let me know what you think.

This weekend is shaping up to be another busy one. We are off to Pulaski, TN (the infamous town where the KKK took hold - I feel a little weird going there!) to Martin Methodist College. My BIL is being inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame there for his champion tennis playing eons ago :) My BIL is 50 so I get to tease him about being old, being that I'm a young chick of 34!! Anyway, that will be fun and I'll feel like a celebrity for an hour or two being that I'll be part of his entourage.

Well, you have a great weekend and I'll chat with you next week if not before.


absolutartist1 said...

That is an awesome LO! I was thinking about applying for her guest spots, but I think I have enough on my plate for the moment! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

well...I think I have to descript just sounds boring...I think you have more spunk in're also a little of a girly girl! I don't drink coffee...not old enough! hee hee

Anonymous said...

You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

yeah they aren't exactly right- this is what I got!

Anonymous said...

You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

yeah they aren't exactly right- this is what I got!

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

Great layout!

Have a great weekend!